Wednesday, April 22, 2009


And here are some more I've posted up in my store! It looks pretty good now that it's filled with all these new items if I do say so myself! For a while it's been pretty bare - I must not leave it for too long next time but I get so busy at work it's hard to keep up! If only there were more hours in a day....


ChinkyGirLMeL said...

These are super cute!!!!

emma said...

Ahh Mel I love your stuff so much!
You always inspire me to get off my tush and keep up with my craft but I always get too lazy!
How on earth do you juggle everything?!
Seriously, you're amazing!
Big inspiration - I'm going to either finish my scarf tonight or start up a design for my print gocco (which I've had for over a year and NEVER USED - see! so lazy!)

Em (Ralston) xx

PS I didn't realise you and Tyler moved in together - so exciting! Where are you guys living? I love the toilet paper story - sounds like something Oh would do too!

Tinys and Tea said...

Awww Em you're too sweet!! Thanks so much!! I find it hard to juggle everything believe me! But I love doing it and it gets my head away from 'normal' life! You'll see sometimes that I havn't blogged in a while so it's tough but i love blogging and reading what other people have to say and getting my work out there!
You're making scarfs? Dying to see!! You better start up a blog or something, I want to follow and see how you're going!
Yeah Tyler and I moved out, we bought a unit together about 4 months ago! How have you been?

rkdsign88 said...

Oh mind. these are so yummy, really really super cute :)

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